National Data Protection Authority postpones public hearing on its rule of supervision and application of administrative sanctions to july 15 and 16

July 9, 2021

National Data Protection Authority postpones public hearing on its rule of supervision and application of administrative sanctions to july 15 and 16

Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) announced on Thursday (8) the postponement of the public hearing that will discuss the draft of its rule of supervision related to the administrative sanctions provided by art. 52 of the National Data Protection Act (LGPD). The hearing, which would take place on July 8 and 9, was postponed, due to technical problems, to July 15 and 16.

The draft proposed by the ANPD, which will be discussed in the hearing, establishes the supervisory mechanisms that the Authority intends to adopt, providing actions for monitoring, guidance, prevention, and enforcement of sanctions. The ANPD informed that it intends to follow the logic of responsive regulation, hoping that those regulated will be encouraged to comply with the rules and be motivated to maintain the appropriate behavior established by the LGPD.

Our team is closely monitoring all LGPD measures and assisting clients in adequacy projects. For more information on this subject, please email